Most popular Color


Today I'm going to talk about the most popular color for your wedding. Every wedding is unique and each one feels different. The wedding color is usually the first wedding decor decision the couple makes to determine the rest of the wedding so for example do you want more a classic/traditional or a modern look?  This year the most popular color was blue in different shades.  After reading several blogs and major wedding sites they all stated blue was very popular.

A bouquet from Style Me Pretty

Evelisa Floral & Design's Tall Blue & White arrangement

Another popular color this past year in our personal experience was Coral.  We did a couple of weddings that used Coral but they had different styles. It was nice to see how each one had its own flavor. 

Evelisa Floral & Design's Coral & Mint mason jar Centerpiece.


We just did a bridal show and noticed they're were certain colors that were more popular then others.  The most popular colors from this show were........White and Red.  White is the typical wedding color.  Almost every bride that signed up to our Blog wrote White.  Another color that came close to our winners was Blue.  In our sign up form I also wanted to know the favorite flower of our brides and The most popular flower that was mentioned in our sign up was............the Lily.  We were actually surprised by this because the typical flowers that brides love are Hydrangeas and Roses.  I personally love Lilies.  

Evelisa Floral & Design's Unique Lily centerpiece

Evelisa Floral & Design's Unique Lily centerpiece

Here are color schemes of 2015

If you still need help on choosing a color "the Knot" has a bunch of tools that can help, click here . Or  contact us and we can help with your Wedding color today.

Schedule your free Consultation today to discuss your Wedding Day Flowers. 914.623.8281